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What Sugar Does to Your Teeth


Sugar negatively impacts your teeth in a big way. We at Healthy Smiles Family Dental in Salem, OR, take pride in educating our patients about the importance of restricting sugary foods and drinks. It would be ideal to cut these out of your diet completely, but we understand that sometimes there’s nothing better than a crisp soda on a hot day. More attention should be paid to, say, how many sugary beverages you drink in a day or week. Is it really adding up? If so, consider restricting your intake for the sake of your teeth.


Sugar easily coats the surface of your teeth and attracts the “bad bacteria,” such as Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus. These destructive bacteria feed on the sugar and disturb the natural pH of your mouth, to the point where the acidity is too much for your teeth. Over time, the enamel on your teeth is broken down little by little. This isn’t ideal since tooth enamel cannot be replaced. Once that natural barrier is gone, it’s gone for good. Having braces speeds up this process if you do not practice proper oral hygiene.


If you can’t give up sugar completely, then consider these tips to fight tooth decay:


- Watch what you eat and drink. Make sure to incorporate healthy options, such as fibrous vegetables.

- Restrict the sugar. Try drinking more water, your teeth will thank you (and so will your body).

- Practice good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing two to three times a day.

- Visit your dentist regularly. Your dentist will be able to take a closer look inside your mouth, monitor anything suspicious, and give your teeth a good professional cleaning. 


Healthy Smiles Family Dental is located at 2601 25th St SE in Salem, OR 97302. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please visit or call 503-385-1185.



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