No one enjoys getting a tooth removed. It is often painful and requires a longer recovery time. At Healthy Smiles Family Dental, Drs. Na Xu and Mark Thomas provide patients with a type of extraction known as Sectioning. The tooth is broken into multiple pieces and then removed. It’s easier for everyone! To learn more, contact our office in Salem, OR.
Sectioning is used in these three situations: wisdom teeth, pediatric extraction, and multi-faceted or unique teeth. Each one requires this procedure for similar yet different reasons; they all require the extra care that only your Salem, OR, dentists can provide. The most common sectioning procedure is wisdom teeth removal. Your wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to come in. They are naturally very large. This makes them difficult to remove. Breaking them up is the only way to get them out. Uniquely shaped or multi-rooted teeth are much sturdier than normal. They also can’t be removed without sectioning. Lastly, one of the biggest benefits of sectioning is what makes it necessary for pediatric extraction. When you remove an intact tooth, the incision in the gums must be large enough for the entire tooth to fit through. A sectioned tooth is broken into pieces, so the cut is much smaller. This is better for younger patients. Sectioning requires less force and recovery time. It’s a lot less painful and scary. The shortened recovery time is incredibly beneficial to all patients.
The procedure begins with your dentist applying a local or general anesthetic. Once the area is properly numbed, Drs. Xu or Thomas severs the pulp. The tooth is then broken into pieces. After removal, stitches close the wound. Water continually flushes out any debris throughout the procedure.
Barely any pain is felt during the process, especially when undergoing the general anesthetic. Afterward, follow your provided post-op instructions. Following these can prevent stitches from loosening. Start by eating softer, recommended foods. Make sure they aren’t too hot. Avoid all physical activity. For managing your pain levels, use over-the-counter or prescription medication.
Healthy Smiles Family Dental is located in Salem, OR. To schedule a Sectioning procedure with Drs. Na Xu or Mark Thomas, visit our website or call 503-385-1185.
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