Dental emergencies happen every day. You’re out playing sports with your friends, you trip and fall, or experience some kind of facial trauma. Your mouth or teeth are in incredible pain, but it's past all regular business hours. Dr. Na Xu, D.D.S. and Dr. Mark Thomas D.M.D. of Healthy Smiles Family Dental in Salem, Oregon are available for dental emergencies.
When suffering a dental emergency, get in contact with us immediately. If for some reason you can’t reach our office, consider going to your local emergency room. There are a few traditional dental emergencies that we can help you with.
-Inexplicable toothache: rinse your mouth thoroughly to make sure there is nothing pressed up against or stuck between the tooth and an adjacent tooth. If this doesn’t help, call us.
-Broken or chipped tooth: Rinse out your mouth and try to save as many pieces of the tooth as possible. Apply icepacks in 15-minute cycles to keep the swelling down while on your way to your emergency appointment.
-Knocked out tooth: Locate the tooth and rinse it off. Try to hold it or place it back into the area it came from. If you can’t place it, place it into some cold milk or water with a pinch of salt. See a dental professional immediately.
-Dislodged tooth: if your tooth is only partially knocked out, keep the area clean and take over-the-counter pain relievers to keep the swelling down. Refrain from touching or moving the tooth more while you wait for your appointment.
-Lost filling: Call immediately after losing a filling. This will allow us to replace it as soon as possible. Sugarless gum can be used to protect the area temporarily.
-Lost crown: If you have the crown, try to place it back onto the tooth. If you cannot see us right away, use over-the-counter denture cement to keep the crown in place.
Other symptoms that are urgent but not be a dental emergency are toothaches, abscessed tooth, swollen teeth, cheek, and lips, cut tongue or lip.
If you or a loved one are experiencing a dental emergency, contact Healthy Smiles Family Dental. Our office is located in Salem, Oregon. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Na Xu, D.D.S. or Dr. Mark Thomas, D.M.D. visit our website or call 503-385-1185.
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