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Lip Care in Dry Weather

Cold weather means bad news for peoples’ lips. We at Salem’s Healthy Smiles Dental want our patients to know how to maintain good oral health, so we thought it would be a good idea to go over some ways of preventing the soft tissues of the mouth from chapping, particularly for our patients who will be experiencing drier weather.

Lip balm is certainly helpful for sealing in moisture. But users should be aware that products with fragrances or that contain menthol can be an irritant. Licking the lips will prove counterproductive because as saliva evaporates, it will take more moisture with it. Long, hot showers will also make the chapping problem worse. Another bad way of dealing with chapped lips is to tuck them under the teeth, which will further bruise them and could cause them to swell. Few people would hold their lips under their teeth long enough to develop an open bite, but it could become a habit and interfere with orthodontic therapy. For better results, try using humidifiers to increase the amount of moisture in rooms where you spend a lot of time, such as the bedroom or an office. Doing this will also reduce your risk of developing dry mouth.

Dr. Na Xu operates Healthy Smiles Family Dental at 2601 25th St SE #400, Salem, Oregon, 97302. Visit My Family Dentist Salem or call 503-385-1185.


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