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Diabetes and Gum Disease

November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, and at Healthy Smiles Family Dental in Salem, we want our patients to be aware of the link between diabetes and gum disease. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in which the body does not produce enough insulin, the hormone that breaks down sugars. Lots of bodily systems are put at risk by it, and in the case of gum disease, there appears to be a mutually-reinforcing relationship.

One of the effects of diabetes is to thicken blood vessels, limiting the amount of oxygen and nutrients that reach different parts of the body. This makes it harder for people with diabetes to fight off infections, including those of the gum pockets. In people with uncontrolled diabetes, gum infections are much likelier to develop into periodontal disease, putting the patient at risk for tooth loss as their gums and jaw bone tissue recede. There is also evidence that gum infections make it harder for patients’ bodies to regulate blood sugar, setting off a feedback loop.

Although gingivitis is common in people with diabetes, it is much less common if they maintain regular oral hygiene. Preventing gum disease has also been shown to improve insulin levels. We can show patients better oral hygiene techniques if they suffer from tooth decay or gum infections frequently. We can also do deep cleanings, which will reduce the risk of periodontal disease developing.

Dr. Na Xu operates Healthy Smiles Family Dental at 2601 25th St SE #400, Salem, Oregon, 97302. Visit My Family Dentist Salem or call 503-385-1185.


  1. For healthy smile you need a regular checkup. Visit dental doctor for maintaining healthy smile on your face. Schedule your checkup and cleaning twice in a year and also care clean your teeth twice in a day also use mouthwash for cleaning. For more advice about dental care in golden valley visit : Mintalar Family Dental


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