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Dental Bonding

11_1.jpgIf you wish to improve your smile, but don’t want to break the bank, dental bonding can repair teeth that have been decayed, chipped, fractured, or discolored. Bonding is made of composite resin and resembles a natural tooth’s appearance. Dental bonding provides an aesthetic benefit to the patient, but also has restorative properties and our doctors at Healthy Smiles Family Dental can provide this service to you.

Unlike veneers, which can be costly and require several appointments, dental bonding is cost-efficient and can be completed in one single visit. The process for applying bonding material takes little to no preparation unless the bonding is being used to fill a cavity. Once the tooth is prepared, one of our doctors will apply the resin and harden it with a special light. This process takes 30-45 minutes to complete and requires no recovery time.

If you have questions or concerns regarding cosmetic dental services, please give us a call. To learn about services provided at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with one of our doctors at Healthy Smiles Family Dental in Salem, OR, call 503-385-1185.


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